We are seeking applicants for a PhD position on «Analyzing the interactions between spaces of argumentation in different contexts» at LAMSADE (University Paris-Dauphine).
The Covid19 crisis shows us that arguments can circulate between different social worlds, as they have done between scientific and academic worlds, media, and social media, in different directions. However, the way people discuss in these different environments is very different and rely on different standards to recognize proofs.
How can different groups advance in a debate when sharing information, evidence on a complex issue, refer to different notions of arguments and proof standards?

For example, in recent months we could observe some ideal-typic description of the shape of the argumentation:

  1. in the mediatic world: repeat, follow, approve/disprove, exaggerate, attack ad hominem;
  2. in the scientific world: decide paradigm, decide hypothesis, test, revise, purify, consolidate, invalidate, give examples, give counter-example.

The literature on argumentation theory has elaborated several defeasible argumentation schemes, which are abstract argument forms that do not necessarily fall into the classical deductive or inductive argument structures, and that capture also what traditionally is classified as a fallacy.
For a detailed description see: https://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/fileadmin/mediatheque/lamsade/documents/propositions_theses_2020/pigozzi.pdf

Required Profile

  • Master degree in Computer Science (or equivalent) with good GPA
  • Knowledge in Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics and Logic
  • Minimal programming skills
  • Strong interest for multidisciplinary research
  • Autonomy and ability to work in a team
  • Good writing skills in English

Application procedure and deadline
Interested candidates should send the following PDF documents to Juliette Rouchier (juliette.rouchier@dauphine.fr) and Gabriella Pigozzi (gabriella.pigozzi@dauphine.fr) before 11 April 2021 :

  • CV
  • Scan of transcripts of marks with their ranking
  • A letter of motivation
  • One letter or recommandation

A first selection will be performed amongst eligible applications, and selected candidates will be interviewed.