IHSEV is a multidisciplinary team that focuses on the interaction between humans and systems. It adresses different kind of systems like robots, virtual environnements, socio technic system or simulation but put always the role and the relation between the human the system at the main concern of the researches.  For example, it adresses the acceptability of assistive robots, the improvement of human performances through the use of virtual or augmented reality as well as the development of virtual characters able to afford a feeling of co-presence for humans that interact with it. It also adresses the transposition of human interactive and social capabilities toward different systems through machine learning technics or high level modelisations.

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Responsable d’équipe
Pierre DE LOOR et Thierry DUVAL
Type d’équipe :
Equipe de recherche
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest; Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient
IMT Atlantique, ENSTA Bretagne, ENIB
Thèmes abordés
  • Natural User Interfaces, Sound Perception, Virtual Human
  • Simulation and cognition, Technology Enhanced Learning and Cultural Heritage,
  • Multiscales modeling, Human Ambient Assisted Living
  • Modelisation of socio technical systems, Machine Learning in Participatory Environment